5-Szulfoszalicil sav
Kémiai termékek
IUPAC név: 2-Hydroxy-5-sulfobenzoic acid
CAS szám: 5965-83-3 & 97-05-2
Kémiai formula: C7H6O6S
Molekula tömeg: 218.185 g/mol
Elérhető minőségek:
Technikai: >97,0 % assay
Nagy tisztaságú: >99,8 % assay
A REAGRON® feromonok az egyes rovarfajokra jellemzõ szintetikus csalogatóanyagot tartalmaznak nagyon kis mennyiségben egy természetes gumiból készült hordozón diszpenzeren fejtik ki hatásukat minimum 6 héten keresztül.
Feromonos diszpenzerek
Alacsony olvadáspontú eutektikumok
Special liquid formulation of an eutectic mixture with sub-zero melting point. The liquid can be used to maintain temperatures around -5°C.
Main applications:
Refrigerators , cool boxes
Cold packs, ice boxes
Our REAGRON® insect pheromone traps are monitoring devices, using insect pheromone lures to attract and an adhesive pad to lock the targeted moths.
The traps are often used to detect presence of the targeted insects or for sampling, monitoring, or to determine the first appearance of a pest in the targeted area. They can be also used for legal control in grape yards or other commercial fruit plants.
The traps are available for the main fruit moths which are commonly presence across Europe.
Specialty chemicals
We are offering on-demand synthesis of specialty chemical products in small to low scale.
Some examples:
10-undecyonic acid
Feromonok szintetizálása
The synthetic pheromones used as attractant in our insect pheromone lures and traps sold under the brand of REAGRON®.